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Swedish - This classic massage technique, originating in Europe, came to the USA in the mid-1800s. The technique most people think of as "massage" is moderate rubbing and kneading of muscles, and joint movement. The purpose of the technique is stimulate nerves in the massaged area to increase nutrient rich blood supply as well as increase waste chemical removal by the lymphatic drainage system. While the massage may simply feel relaxing, the medical benefits of increased nutrition and reduced waste toxins promote healing and rejuvenation of the massaged muscles and tissues.


Deep Tissue - Deep tissue is a form of Swedish, which involves the application of more pressure than used with the classic Swedish, and is often focused on trouble areas. The effect is to stimulate deeper areas in the muscles, and tendons as well.


Lymphatic Drainage - Just as the blood supply carries nutrients to body tissues, the lymphatic system carries toxins and waste products from body tissues to the heart where they enter the blood stream to be filtered out. Lymphatic Drainage massage is a mild massage technique designed to assist lymphatic system drainage.


Reflexology - Reflexology is technically not a form of massage. It is based upon the concept that specific points on the feet (hands and ears as well) are tied to other specific parts of the body, such as lower back, head, pancreas, etc. Applying pressure to these points on the feet may provide lower back pain relief, headache relief, and even affect organ function.


Medi-Cupping - Perhaps you've read about olympic swimmer Michael Phelps having red disc marks on his body. That is one form of Cupping, in which vacuum cups are used to place suction on the body. The medi-cupping performed at Sunflower Massage is similar, but serves a different purpose. Similar to manual massage, which uses pressure to stimulate nerves, medi-cupping stimulates both blood supply and lymph drainage via suction. We slide the vacuum cups along known lymph drainage pathways, loosening body tissue and fluids in the outer body along those areas, and stimulating nerves which in turn aids blood nutrient supply and waste drainage.

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